Spring Theory by Andrew Oforma Eze
Spring Theory is social science theory which was founded by Andrew Oforma Eze in August, 2017. Andrew is a Political Scientist. What is spring theory? It is an anti-thesis to elite theory. In nutshell, spring theory is a socio-political theory which sees masses as elastic in nature which can absorb and endure pressure, humiliation, oppression, and other inhuman treatments by the state and its machinery, but must surely spring up or bounce back t the oppressors. The Major Propositions of Spring Theory according Andrew Oforma Eze, the proponentincludes: 1. That masses are not ignorance of socio-political systems that they are only resilient of them contrary to elite theorists perception. 1. That masses are not apolitical, myopic , unintelligent, inert etc., as claimed by elite theorists 2. That every society will under go either revolutionary or revolutionary changes. 3. That revolution is not evil but a necessarily societal change anchored by majority will.