
Showing posts from 2017

New York Port Authority attack: Man held after Manhattan blast

Definition of Anarchy by Andrew Oforma Eze

ANARCHY  Anarchy literally, means “one without rulers”. It is a state of lawlessness, chaos and disorder. It can be defined as a situation in which there are no formal rules and regulations or legitimate institutions that are capable of guiding the conduct of individuals. It is a state of lawlessness in the highest order.     Under the state of anarchy citizens are free to behave the way they like with impunity. The question of fundamental human rights, justice, equity and fairness is often being denied or not pronounced. Our questions are: 1. What causes anarchy in a state?  2. Can war lead to the state of anarchy?     The above two questions will be addressed in this section. What may cause anarchy in a state can be divided into two viz: Primary and Secondary Causes. The primary causes of state of anarchy can be attributed to the personal idiosyncrasy or unconventional behaviour of leaders and followers.  Leaders are either elected...

Spring Theory by Andrew Oforma Eze

Spring Theory is social science theory which was founded by Andrew Oforma Eze in August, 2017. Andrew is a Political Scientist. What is spring theory? It is an anti-thesis to elite theory. In nutshell, spring theory is a socio-political theory which sees masses as elastic in nature which can absorb and endure pressure, humiliation, oppression, and other inhuman treatments by the state and its machinery, but must surely spring up or bounce back t the oppressors. The Major Propositions of Spring Theory according Andrew Oforma Eze, the proponentincludes: 1. That masses are not ignorance of socio-political systems that they are only resilient of them contrary to elite theorists perception. 1. That masses are not apolitical, myopic , unintelligent, inert etc., as claimed by elite theorists 2. That every society will under go either revolutionary or revolutionary changes. 3. That revolution is not evil but a necessarily societal change anchored by majority will.

Institute of Political Therapy and Gamemanship Studies


Meaning of acephalous by Andrew Oforma Eze

ACEPHALOUS    The word ‘’acephalous’’ according to Eze (2015:1) in his book entitled Contemporary Basic Concepts in Government and Politics was derived from the Greek word ‘‘akephalos’’ which means ‘‘headless’’. Politically, it is a society which lacks established or centralized political leaders or rulers. This type of society makes decisions through consensus or collective decisions of the majority members.      The Igbo nation was a typical example of acephalous society before the advent of colonialism in the 19th century. This is because the Igbo nation lacked a centralized administrative system of government. Powers and functions were decentralized and diffused to the family units. However, this does mean that Igbos totally do not have leaders or laws that guide their socio-political and cultural behaviour. What it entails is that the nation from time immemorial is a republican society. They do not have one centralized administration or political h...

The Genesis of Political Ideology by Andrew Oforma Eze

CHAPTER ONE CONCEPTUALIZATION OF IDEOLOGY The word “ideology” has remained one of the political concepts that have been distorted, falsified, misinterpreted, controversial, loved and hated, and misquoted in the world political spectrum in general and in the field of social sciences in particular. Since 1796 when the term “ideology” was first coined by a French philosopher Destutt Tracy, it has posed great challenges to social analysts to substantiate its actual, reliable and universally acclaimed meaning. According to Heywood (2003) “the first problem confronting any discussion of the nature of ideology is the fact that there is no settled or agreed definition of the term, only a collection of rival definitions”.    David McLellan (1995) described ideology as “the most elusive concept in the whole of the social sciences” (cited in Andrew Heywood, 2003). This is because of its multifaceted nature; hence many writers, activists, ideologues cum ideologists, poli...

Insecurity of Social Security System in Nigeria by Eze Andrew Oforma

About the Author Andrew Oforma Eze, hails from Ede-Oballa in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. He is a graduate of Political Science from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.  He gained admission in the institution in the year 2011. He completed his secondary school education at the Community Secondary School Ede-Oballa in the same year. Andrew is a young political analyst, human rights activist, social critic and consultant on political issues. He is the Founder and National Coordinator of Young African Writers League (the Young League), the Ideological Revival Movement (IRM), and a one-time honourable member of the Parliament in the Department of Political Science, University of Nigeria Nsukka. Apart from this book he is the author of the Contemporary Basic Concepts in Government and Politics, and many other yet to published works. Andrew is a budding scholar in the field of political science.

Banana Republic

BANANA REPUBLIC BY ANDREW OFORMA EZE       Contemporarily, the term banana republic is used to describe a country that is economically and politically unstable and dependent on foreign countries, especially developed countries despite their attainment of political independence. In other words, it is a country that has attained flag independence without actual political and economic independence. The sovereignty of banana republic is questionable because such a state is a dependent one. Attributes of banana republic and failed state are almost the same. (See Failed State).      Origin: The term was coined by an American writer Henry, O (real name; William Sydney Porter) in 1904 in his fictional book where he used it to describe small republics (especially in South America) that are largely dependent on exporting minor agricultural products like banana. BANDWAGONING      Bandwagoning is a concept in international relatio...

Forms of Corruption by Andrew Oforma Eze

Forms of Corruption Corruption can be in any form, but it often manifest its dreadful face in the form of bribery, misappropriation of fund, embezzlement of fund, money laundry, falsification and adulteration of goods, etc. Furthermore, corruption has become so rampant and prevalent in the Nigerian polity with its putrefaction effect. Due to its celebrated status in Nigeria, an average Nigerian has his/her own definition of corruption. An average Nigerian will define corruption as any act which he/she does not benefit from whether it is moral or immoral. As long as the system favours him/her nothing will be wrong with the system. Nigerian political elite especially during Jonathanian era have constantly argued that stealing is not corruption. “There is no corruption but mere stealing in Nigeria” as Jonathan usually contends during his administration. This corruption which is an asocial act is being committed by man who is a social being. What irony! The que...