Forms of Corruption by Andrew Oforma Eze

Forms of Corruption
Corruption can be in any form, but it often manifest its dreadful face in the form of bribery, misappropriation of fund, embezzlement of fund, money laundry, falsification and adulteration of goods, etc. Furthermore, corruption has become so rampant and prevalent in the Nigerian polity with its putrefaction effect. Due to its celebrated status in Nigeria, an average Nigerian has his/her own definition of corruption. An average Nigerian will define corruption as any act which he/she does not benefit from whether it is moral or immoral. As long as the system favours him/her nothing will be wrong with the system. Nigerian political elite especially during Jonathanian era have constantly argued that stealing is not corruption. “There is no corruption but mere stealing in Nigeria” as Jonathan usually contends during his administration.
This corruption which is an asocial act is being committed by man who is a social being. What irony!
The question now is: what is the cause of this act of moral perversion (corruption)? This question and other issues will constitute our next publication.


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