Types of Political Supporters by Andrew Oforma Eze

Kind of  Political Supporters

    …I remind Princes who have recently seized a state for themselves through support given from within that they should carefully reflect on the motives of those who helped them. If these were not based on a natural affection for the new Prince, but rather on discontent with the existing government, he will retain their friendship only with considerable difficulty and exertion, because it will be impossible for him in his return to satisfy them.…a Prince far more easily wins the friendship of those who were formerly satisfied with the existing government … than of those who, because they were dissatisfied, became his friends and favoured his occupation” (Machiavelli, trans. 69-70). 
A wise leader should be able to define the motive of his supporters.

     A leader whether good or bad never lacks followers and supporters insofar he is in charge. He may relatively lack followers but not supporters (beneficiaries). The masses constitute followers while the nobles make up the supporters. The masses, out of love, follow a leader who knows his work (without any hidden motive except the need for development). The supporters or nobles support government in power or incoming government primarily because of their economic interests.
      More often than not, these supporters are injurious to his administration but he (the leader) cannot do without them. The nobles support a leader when it is convenient for them and only those that are sympathetic to their economic needs. The supporters are politically partisan, not for the joy of it (in itself) but for pure economic enterprise (for itself). Some are Trojan horse and unnecessary rebels.
Therefore, in this section we are going to explain three kinds of supporters and their different tactics to achieve their primary interest (economic interests).

These are:

1. Political Conservatives
2. Political Jobbers
3. Political Deifiers


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