
Showing posts from September, 2018

Concept and Characteristics of a Failed State by A.O Eze

>Principal questions one needs to ask on this issue are: What is a failed state? What can make a state to become a failed one? Can a state change from failed one to successful or stable one? Is there any difference between a failed state and a collapsed state? How can we know a failed state? These are questions people often ask whenever the concept of a failed state is mentioned. Therefore, a failed state is a state or country that has failed in its primary responsibilities as a sovereign entity. The primary responsibilities of any state are: 1. To defend her sovereignty or definite entity. 2. To protect life and property of its citizens. 3. To efficiently allocate the available resources. 4. Provide social services to its citizens. 5. Create job opportunity. 6. Promote economic growth and development.      Hence, if any state either by omission or commission failed to carry out its core responsibilities to some extent, there shall be no need for ...

How to Avoid Flatterers written by A. O. Eze

How to Avoid Flatterers Men are so happily absorbed in their own affairs and indulge in such self-deception that it is difficult for them not to befall victim to this plague; and some efforts to protect oneself from flatterers involve the risk of becoming despised. This is because the only way to safeguard yourself against flatterers is by letting people understanding that you are not offended by the truth; but if everyone can speak the truth to you then you lose respect. So a shrewd Prince should adopt a middle way, choosing wise men for his government and allowing only those the freedom to speak the truth to him, and then only concerning matters on which he asks their opinion, and nothing else. But he should also question them thoroughly and listen to what they say; then he should make up his own mind by himself. And his attitude toward his councils and towards each one of his advisers should be such that they will recognize that the more freely they speak out the more acceptabl...

3 Elements of Fraud

3 Elements of fraud are: 1. Opportunity 2. Pressure 3. Rationalization