Concept and Characteristics of a Failed State by A.O Eze

>Principal questions one needs to ask on this issue are:
What is a failed state?
What can make a state to become a failed one?
Can a state change from failed one to successful or stable one?
Is there any difference between a failed state and a collapsed state?
How can we know a failed state?
These are questions people often ask whenever the concept of a failed state is mentioned.
Therefore, a failed state is a state or country that has failed in its primary responsibilities as a sovereign entity. The primary responsibilities of any state are:
1. To defend her sovereignty or definite entity.
2. To protect life and property of its citizens.
3. To efficiently allocate the available resources.
4. Provide social services to its citizens.
5. Create job opportunity.
6. Promote economic growth and development.
     Hence, if any state either by omission or commission failed to carry out its core responsibilities to some extent, there shall be no need for such state, therefore; it is a failed one which should be re-colonized. This is because according to social contract theorists, the state is as a result of an agreement (contract) entered into by the people to form political organization called state that will protect them from state of nature and provide for their needs.  State becomes the highest political organization with a monopoly on the legitimate use of power to protect and regulate the social conduct of individuals. A failed state lacks the monopoly the legitimate use of force to control its citizens let alone to defend its sovereignty against external forces.
One can know a failed state by the following characteristics or indicators
1.Loss of sovereignty
2.Lack of monopoly on the  legitimate use of force to control its inhabitants (citizens)
3. Incessant Political instabilities
4.Inability of government to carter for the need and welfares of its citizens.
5.Corruption at the highest or apex level
6.Religious extremism
8.Ethnic mafias and militias
10. High rate of poverty
11.High rate of unemployment and unemployable graduates
12. Dependency syndrome
13.Dearth of productive forces
14.Lack of economic growth and development etc.
     The existence of the above traits in a state is the empirical indicators of a failed state. The only difference between a failed state and collapsed state is that in the latter the constituted authority has relatively attained the state of anarchy. That is, state has completely lost its monopoly on the legitimate use of force to control its inhabitants (citizens) and has become a mere political jamboree and geographical expression. While in the former, state is relatively functional to some extent, but it cannot execute its primary responsibilities effectively.
Examples of failed states according to “Failed States Index (FSI) 2013” by Foreign Policy
    The following countries are failed states; Somalia, DR Congo, Chad, Yemen, Afghanistan, Haiti, CAR, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Ivory coast, Pakistan, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, Kenya, Niger, Ethiopia and Burundi.


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