Origin of Democracy

Origin of Democracy
GREEK:  Democratic system of government originated from ancient Greek city-state of Athens around 550BC. History has it that Athens was the first recorded democratic city-state in the world. Athens is a small Greek city-state where all qualified citizens (excluding slaves) were convened to take final decision on the issues or problems that are confronting them collectively. Athenians’ democracy is based on direct representative.  It is because of this democratic nature of Athens that made Aristotle to postulate that man by nature is a political animal due to the gregarious nature of democracy in Greek polis (city-state).
IGBO: Before colonialism the Igbos were democratic and republican by nature. Igbo region practiced decentralized system of government and direct democracy more than that of Athenians, in which powers and authorities that exist in the region were decentralized or shared to all different political segments. Political powers and positions were diffused. Political powers were shared among these political institutions: Age Grade, the Ozo Title Holders, Village Assembly, Ofo Title holders etc.
      Based on the principle of democracy, decisions were reached by consensus among different groups and assemblies. The Village Assembly was like that of Ancient Athenian city of Greece. The Assembly was made up of all grown males who often convene at the village square to make decision from time to time when the need arises. All males were accorded equal opportunity to participate in decision making.  Igbo traditional political system abhorred any forms of autocratic forms of government or arbitrary decision. That was why it is often said that Igbo eweeze (which in the actual sense does not mean that Igbos, do not have a king but that they do not have one centralized ruler like other regions may have). It is nature that made them to be republicans. It is because of their republicanism that led to the failure of the indirect rule policy by the British colonialists due to the imposition of warrant chief in the region during the era of colonianism.
      The history of democracy in the world is incomplete if one fails to appreciate how it formed, operated and functioned in Igboland before the coming of imperialists who disarticulated it. Igbo democracy was more perfect than that of Athenians. This is because in Igbo democracy all males who were of age were entitled to take active participation directly in any matter of public concern irrespective of their social status. Among Athenians, only aristocratic citizens were eligible to participate in decision making. Slaves and plebeians were excluded from direct participation of polis (state) affairs. Therefore Ancient Greek city state was not “government of the people by the people and for the people”. It was based on this notion that Aristotle argued that men are not equal and will not be equal. Greek democracy takes cognizance of nobles, virtues and philosopher kings who know what it takes to make decision and rule in the polis (state).
FRANCE:  The origin of modern democracy can also be attributed to French Revolution in 1789 that overthrew the “traditional aristocratic feudalistic landed baron lords”. The revolution was anchored on the principle of fraternity, freedom and equality of man. The revolution led to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and that of the citizens on 26 August, 1789. The institution of monarchy was dismantled and a new regime that was based on democratic principles was established.
     According to Nnoli (2003:109), “the French revolution was the first development in history to underscore the need for a government to respond to the opinions and the demands of its population’’. The historical aspect or legacy of French Revolution is the democratization of French political institutions and freedom of man which later spread to other regions.
AMERICA:  The origin of modern democracy is incomplete without mentioning the impact of the United States of America on her quest for democracy. The United States has been the advocate and vanguard of democracy from time immemorial. American foreign policy has been based on the tenet of democracy. On the declaration of independence in 1776, the United States contends that all men are equal and his natural rights should be inalienable. On the day of independence the United States of America states thus:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness.
(http://en.m.Wikipedia.org/wiki/united states declaration of independence)


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