The work examines the impact of intergovernmental relations on local government administration in Nigeria with a special focus on ezinihitte local government area of Imo state. It argues that local government is not mutually exclusive of other levels of government and that as such there is bound to be an interaction between the local and other levels of government. The study reveals that intergovernmental relations among the levels of government were in disarray due to the conflicts over issues of tax jurisdiction, revenue allocation, intergovernmental relations, fund transfers, overconcentration of power at the centre, illegal removal of government officials, among other factors. It posits that for cordial relationship between the local and other levels of government to take place, the constitutional status of local government must be clearly spelt out, the issue of joint state - local government account should be reversed, election rather than appointment should be the means of choosing leaders at the local level, judiciary should be made to be independent and the undue interference on the local government by the state or federal government has be properly addressed. Also, there should be direct disbursement of federation allocation to all the levels of government.

The goal of intergovernmental relations are said to promote peace and harmony among the three tiers of government and to accelerate the achievement of self reliant economy. In so doing, intergovernmental relations will help to minimize inter-jurisdictional conflicts among the various level of government. And also boost greater natural economic integration through the activities of three levels of government. Again to enhance the emergence of co-operative rather than competitive federation, there is also need to enhance effective and efficient utilization of available human and material resources among the three levels of government.
The achievement of the objectives of intergovernmental relations is dependent on some social factors within the Nigerian social system. Some social factors include the political setting and the state of two economies in the nation. Looking at the political setting, the intergovernmental relations is basically based on the three tiers of government that is the Federal, State and Local Government. But come to look at that, the Federal and State Government is said to have more autonomy than the Local Government due to the fact that they are the last tier of government. The other tier of government still dictates to them what to do, how to make their own policies, how to elect/appoint those to rule them like the chancellor or chairman and so on. Local Government is still dependent on the other tier of government making them too subordinate and loyal contrary to the principle of intergovernmental intercourse.
To this, there should be greater independent of the state and the Local Government in the Federal Government for their survival and performance of fundamental responsibilities. There should be several reforms which should let to the recognition of the Local Government as the third tier of government with relative autonomy and jurisdictional powers as provided for the constitution. Another problem is the state of the nation’s economy. The nation’s economy really influenced the nature and scope of intergovernmental relations in the Local Government in Nigeria. The wealth of any nation is a key factor in determining its pattern of material relation. Between 1960 and 1970, the basis o fiscal relation between the Federal, State, and Local Government were richer and more power full than the Local Government. But this problem will come to an end if the Local Government has greater control of the tax revenue (Ugwu, 2018).
The Local Government should control 50% of the tax revenue allocation of its area without the Federal or State Government Interference. They should also receive grant and aids from outside and within the country, making them powerful and independent of their own. Their Federation Allocation Accountant should be granted to them annually or monthly as the case may be. They should be allowed to run their affairs especially when it comes to monetary matters (Okoll and Anah, 2002). In so doing, channel of communication should be at its high level between the Federal, State and Local Government in order to produce effectiveness due to the fact that an intergovernmental relation is relationship between the three theirs of government.

To appreciate the depth of courses in the Federal System in Nigeria, one has to follow the recent trend of the raging controversy between the Federal and State Government over the exercise of power or control of revenue resources of Local Government and how not to have assumed the undue prominence given to it as a constitutional question if Nigerian leaders, particularly the Federal level and adhered strictly to the norms of federalism and followed the precedents established by the past democratic government in Nigerian Federation.
In Nigeria, the issue of sharing resources among the three levels of government has remained controversial due to lack of acceptable formula. It generates tension and bat blond among the three tiers of government. This has resulted in setting up of different committees or commissions to prescribe the formula to be used. Also there exists a conflict between the Federal State and Local Government area acceptable form was for sharing revenue. For instance, the conflict is usually whether the principal of derivation, need, natural interest of landmass should be used as a basis for the purpose. Even when these principles may be generally accepted as the main basis for working out revenue allocation formula, conflict might arise following as to which of the principles takes precedence over other as the main outrival for sharing the revenue.
This is the problem of tax jurisdictional which refers to the problem of which aspect of government should collect what revenue over a particular area. These have been serious problems between the Federal, State and Local Government. They are the lowest level of government likewise they collect the least amount of tax revenue, which makes them still stagnant.
Another problem is the existence of control of one level of government by another in any aspect (Abonyi 2005). Local Government is dominated by the Federal and State Government. They do not have their own autonomy making them too dependent on the other levels of government. Mention must be made of the problem of finding the best method of channeling to another especially from the Federal to the Local Government. (Ugwu, 2018). So, in this research we examined how this asymmetrical relationship has affected Ezinihitte local government in Imo state.

The main (broad) objective of the study is to critically examine the impact of intergovernmental Relations on Local Government Administration in Nigeria, with particular reference to Ezinihitte Local Government Area of Imo State
These are the other objectives of this study
- To examine the web of complex and inter-dependence among the federal, state and Ezinihitte Local Government Area in Imo State.
- To assess the working efficiency and performance appraisal of Ezinihitte Local Government Area
- To examine the available human material and financial resources in Ezinihitte Local Government Area
- To examine the essence of revenue allocation which will enable Ezinihitte Local Government Area to embark on its developmental project
- To ascertain the level of rapid economic development in Ezinihitte Local Government Area.

It is hope that the outcome of this study will provide a reference scholarship based on inter-governmental relation and local government that could be used by the future researchers who will need it for research purpose.
Also the importance of this work to the government is that it will help to bring government closer to the people in the rural and urban area as well as sensitizing them on policies and programmes of the federal government. It will as well ensure effective and efficient utilization of available human and material resources among the three tiers of government in which Ezinihitte Local Government Area in Imo State happens to be one. This research work will also help in promoting inter- governmental relation which is critical to the participation of democratic government at the local government area.

Seeing the nature of relationship that exist among the level of government and the type of problems associated with Ezinihitte Local Government Area in Imo State, this study is guided by the following research questions:

1. How has the revenue allocation from the federal to Ezinihitte Local Government Area in Imo State for project development been implemented?
2. How has the under utilization of the available human, material and financial resources in Ezinihitte Local Government Area in Imo State affected development in the area?

In reference to the above statement of problem in general and research questions in particular we hypothesized that:
2. The revenue allocation from the federal to Ezinihitte Local Government Area in Imo State for project development has not been effectively implemented
3. The under utilization of the available human, material and financial resources in Ezinihitte Local Government Area in Imo State has significantly affected in the development of the area.


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