Research Proposal and Report

Research Proposal and Report

The ability to engage in meaningful research and the skill to communicate the pieces of the research to colleagues (academic community) in a well ordered manner are cardinal qualities for success in the academic world (Oluikpe, 1982). First and foremost, project writing and report exist because there are issues or problems that needed to be solved. That is why the first mental stage in project writing is discovering of a problem. It is this problem that will propel one to make proposal on the issue. According to Omekwu and Okafor (2009:119), “every research process ideally begins with enquiry. The researcher thinks that there is a phenomenon to investigate, a problem to solve or a contribution to make…”  They went further to note that, after a researcher has convinced himself that there is a knowledge lacuna (gap) that his/her research will fill, the researcher then explores the existing universe of knowledge in order to know what others have accomplished in the area. This knowledge exploration is called literature review. It helps to prevent re-inventing the wheel.

Hence, project writing and report encompass all research methodologies and techniques employed by a researcher or group of researchers in carrying out study on a particular issue and the presentation of the results (the findings). In other words, project writing is an empirical investigation using standard methods on a particular issue which can be political, economical, cultural or social. Some call it research proposal and report, research methodology, project work, thesis, research design and methods, etc., which we can also use interchangeably in the course of these studies. But the official name is “thesis”.

As we have noted before, project writing starts with a proposal after discovering of a researchable problem (s) in society. After discovering of a problem the next step is to make a proposal on the issue before formal research commences. The stages are: discovering of a researchable problem, giving it a title (topic), information searching (literature review), submission of proposal to the instructor, thesis statement, tentative answers (hypothesis), testing of hypothesis, findings (results) and recommendations.

There are differences between “project proposal” and “project report”. Project proposal is an informal stage in project writing. To propose is to suggest something to a person or group of people to consider. In other words, it is a plan or what one intends to do. A proposal can be accepted or rejected. If rejected, one is expected to make another proposal. On the other hand, if approved, the next stage is to start a formal research.

Hence, project report on the other hand, is like the final stage in project writing because it is at this stage that the results or findings are being presented to the institutions or authority that commissioned the person to carryout the study. Some call it “project defence or presentation”.


                            Types of Research

Research is classified into many types which depend on the population of the study, research design, method of data collection, and method of data analysis.

These are:

Experimental research

Survey research

Applied research

Basic research, etc.

Scholars engage in research writing day by day because it is the watchword and lifeblood in every academic community. Students, on the other hand, are introduced to research writing as part of their academic exercise. Undergraduate and postgraduate project researches are carried out in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of certificates (Diploma or Degrees) in the field of their studies. It is a major determinant whether a student will graduate or not. That is why Oluikpe (1982), as we have noted contends that the ability to engage in meaningful research and the skill to communicate the pieces of the research to colleagues in a well ordered manner are cardinal qualities for success in the academic world.

According to Oluikpe (1982:1), “research paper… covers any studious investigation designed to support, refute or formulate scholarly conclusions”. These include articles, scientific reports, theses, and dissertations. Oluikpe further maintains that the venue through which students learn the art of research writing is called term paper which anticipates the “thesis and the dissertation” that are used to satisfy degree requirements. Term paper is for satisfy course requirements. Thesis is for bachelor and master’s degrees while dissertation is for doctoral degree.

Hence, Oluikpe (1982), affirms that research paper can be grouped into three major categories namely:


The Experimental Academic Paper

Term Paper

The Accomplished Academic Papers

Thesis (Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees)

Dissertation (Doctoral Degree)

The Short Academic Papers


Scientific Reports.


Things to conceder before choosing research topics

Research feasibility

Nature of research problem



Population to study

Personal interest (area you can leverage on).


Note that project is an informal name of “thesis and dissertation”. We decided to adopt the name “project” here in order not to sound too Greek to undergraduate students.


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