Ten Reasons Why the Study of Psychology is Important in Teacher Education Programme

Ten Reasons Why the Study of Psychology is Important in Teacher Education Programme
According to Onah (2015:12), education psychology is an integral part of psychology which seeks to find how positive relationship/interaction can be established between the teacher, students and the learning process.  Educational psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning. The study of learning processes, from both cognitive and behavioral perspectives, allows researchers to understand individual differences in intelligence, cognitive development, affect, motivation, self-regulation, and self-concept, as well as their role in learning.
Onah (2015:12) further noted that “the knowledge and skills acquired from educational psychology will guide and direct in resolving the enormous problems confronting both the teachers and students in classroom. Johann Herbart (1776–1841) is considered the father of educational psychology. He believed that learning was influenced by interest in the subject and the teacher.  He thought that teachers should consider the students' existing mental sets what they already know when presenting new information or material. Herbart came up with what are now known as the formal steps. The 5 steps that teachers should use are: Review material that has already been learned by the student; prepare the student for new material by giving them an overview of what they are learning next; present the new material; relate the new material to the old material that has already been learned; show how the student can apply the new material and show the material they will learn next (Emmer and  Stough, 2001).
The Important of Study of Psychology in Teacher Education Programme
Teacher is like a philosopher who guides his student. He is responsible to be aware about growth and development of the students. Education is a purposive attempt to bring about desirable changes in the students behavior. Therefore, the following are the ten reasons why the study of psychology is important in teacher education programme:
1. The Learner
“Education Psychology enables the teacher to understand the interest of the learners and how to follow this in planning the curriculum or learning” (Onah 2015:13). Educational Psychology studies various factors which have impacts upon students, which may include home environment, social groupings, peer groups, his / her emotional sentiments, and mental hygiene etc. Various methods are used in order to get the desired data about the learner in order to know about him / her mentality and behavior and its manifestations.
2. The Learning Process
Here educational psychology investigates that how information and knowledge be transferred and what kinds of methodologies should be used for that purpose. Onah (2015:12) noted that it affords the teacher the opportunity to know the factors that can enhance or impede teaching-learning activities.
3. Learning Situation
Educational Psychology studies the factors which are situational in nature that how environment like of classroom be managed and how discipline be maintained. That is why Onah(2015:12) contends that educational psychology allows the teacher to know the tone of his/her classroom.  That Education Psychology “it assists the teacher to understand the behaviour of every member of his/her classroom”.
4. Curriculum Development
Educational psychology helps curriculum developers that what kind of curriculum should be made and what kinds of content be given to teachers to transfer to the next generation. It also enables teachers to understand the interest of the learner and how to follow this in planning the curriculum or learning contents (Onah 2015:13).
5. Evaluation Techniques
Educational psychology helps educators that what kinds of evaluation techniques should be used to test the learner that to what extend information and concept have been transferred. That is why Onah (2015:14) asserts that “it is believe that teachers’ performance in the classroom…”
6. Understanding Individual Differences
It helps teacher to deal with a group of students in the classroom with caution, because the characteristics of each student are different. It is therefore very important to understand the different characteristics of students at various levels of growth and development to create effective learning and efficient (Emmer and Stough, 2001). Educational psychology can help teachers and prospective teachers in understanding differences in student characteristics.
7.  Creation of a Conducive Learning Climate in the Classroom
Good understanding of the classroom used in the learning process helps teachers to deliver material to students effectively which cannot be possible with the knowledge of Psychology. Climate conducive to learning must be created by the teacher so that the learning process can be run effectively. A teacher must know the correct principles in teaching and learning, a different approach in teaching to the learning process better (Umar, 2012). Educational psychology plays a role in helping teachers to create socio-emotional climate that is conducive in the classroom, so that the process of learning in the classroom can be effective.
8.  Selection of Learning Strategies and Methods
Teaching methods are based on the characteristics of students' progress. Educational psychology can assist teachers in determining the strategy or method of learning the proper and appropriate, and able to relate to the characteristics and uniqueness of the individual, the type of learning and learning styles and levels of development being experienced by the learner. Onah (2015:13) noted that “it gives the teacher the opportunity of varying his/her instructional strategies based on the behaviour of the students in the classroom.
9. Provide guidance to students
A teacher must play different roles in the school, not only in the implementation of learning, but also act as mentors for students. Guidance is the kind of assistance to students to solve problems they encounter. Knowledge of educational psychology allows teachers to provide educational and vocational guidance necessary for students at different ages.
10. Evaluate Learning Outcomes
Teachers have to do two important activities in the classroom as teaching and evaluating. The evaluation helps in measuring student learning outcomes. Educational psychology can help teachers and prospective teachers in developing the evaluation of student learning that is more just, both in the technical evaluation, compliance with the principles of evaluation and determine the results of evaluations.
American Psychological Association, (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association, (6thed.). Washington DC.
Clark, D. (n.d). Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains. Retrieved on May 28, 2019 from: http://www.nwlink.com/donclark/hrd/bloom.html
Davis, S. (2018). The History of Educational Psychology. Retrieved on May 28, 2019 from: www.cortland.edu.ng
Emmer, E.T. & Stough, L.M. (2001). Classroom management: A critical part of educational psychology with implications for teacher education. Educational Psychologist, 36, 103-12
Onah, J. (2015). Psychology of Learning. Count Global Publishers.
Umar, F. (2012). Educational Psychology- Importance for Teachers & Education. Retrieved on May 28, 2019 from: www.studylecturenote.com/
Wikipedia (2019). Educational Psychology. Retrieved on May 29, 2019 from: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational-Psychology


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