Young African Writers League [the Young League] shall be an organization that is based on the tents of equity and social justice. We the members of Young African Writers League (the Young League), having firmly resolved to form an organization committed to the general interest of each member, for the development of African in particular and the world at large.  And also to enhance co-operation, educational excellence, good writing skills, etc among African youths, especially young African writers or those aiming to be. We also resolve to promote the welfare of the members and all African youths across African countries and beyond through promotion of qualitative education and equal educational opportunity to all via legitimate means.  We shall achieve these through advocacy, lobbying, educational awareness, socialization and orientation. We shall uphold ideal of freedom, social justice, equity and fraternity. This noble organization was founded by Eze Andrew Oforma in August, 2014. We the members will not deviate from philosophical aim behind the formation of this noble forum which is to promote education in Africa and beyond. Having being resolved these we unanimously give to ourselves the following constitutional provisions:

  1[1] This constitution shall be known as, and called the constitution of Young African Writers League; here in after referred as the constitution
[2] This organization shall be known, called and addressed as Young African Writers League or the Young League in a short form.
2[1] This constitution is supreme and its provision shall have a binding force on the bodies, authorities and persons under this organization.
      [2] The organization of Young African Writers League shall not be governed, nor shall person or group of persons take control of the government of this organization or any part thereof, except in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
[3] If any other law or decision of anybody, authority (ies) or person (s) under this organization is inconsistent with the provision of this constitution, the constitution shall prevail and such other law(s) or decision[s] shall be null and void of no legal affect.
[4] Subject to the provisions of the Constitution of all African countries where this organization operates, school rules and regulations, this constitution shall have abiding force on all the members, officials and organs of the Young League.
       [5] The motto of the Young League shall be “to Inform and to Educate.”
 3 [1]  It shall be the duties and responsibilities of all members of the Young League to conform to, project, promote and to observe the following fundamental aims and objectives of our noble organization which shall being known as “the Ten Pillars of the Young League.”  This are:
a)        To promote education among African Youths
b)    To promote good writing skill among African Youths.
c)     To provide forum for students to contribute towards the development of Africa and the world at large
d)    To ensure equal education opportunities  to all African youths irrespective of gender, religion or race
e)     To create a platform where African youths can interact academically, socially, politically and otherwise
f)      To divert the attention of youths from negative issues to positive issues through educational sanitization and socialization
g)     To join hands with the government in promoting and creating awareness among youths on the important of education
h)    To join hands with government agencies in their fight against book piracy in Africa and the world at large. For example, in Nigeria the organization shall pattern with Nigerian Copyright Commission in her fight against book piracy in higher institutions of learning and beyond
i)       To eradicate school dropout and child labour in Africa
j)       To train future world writers and leaders.


                                                 CHAPTER TWO
4[1] The membership of this organization is voluntary.
[2] Membership is open to those who are from Africa, who are writers or want to be and they must be youths.
[3] A person who wishes to be a member of this organization must;
[a] Be a person of good character and sound mind
[b] Must abide by the code of conducts that govern this organization.
      5[1] Any qualified person who is not at the inception of this organization and wishes to join shall be free in fulfilling the following conditions;
     [a] shall be qualified subject to the provision of chapter two, section 4 [ 1, 2, 3a, 3b].
   [b] Shall pay the sum of 200 naira or equivalent depending on the monetary value of the country for registration form. And also pay for membership Identification Card [i.e. ID card] depending on the production cost.
6[1] any member who wishes to renounce his/her membership shall be free to do so by making  a formal written statement to the secretary of the organization which the secretary are obliged to table it to the general assembly or general meeting.
7[i] Membership shall be automatically terminate if;
 [a] the person has shown an act that is contrary to the aims behind this noble organization
 [b] involve in any anti-human, promotion of unequal educational opportunity to all African children and other inhuman activities.
8 [1] The organization shall have a patron and matron and other advisory bodies.
 [2] They shall be appointed by the executive council subjected to confirmation by the general assembly.
Rights/Benefits of Members
 9 [1] Subject to the provisions of this constitution, every member shall:
a)     Be entitled to the use and enjoyment of every facility of the Young League, without discrimination
b)    Be entitle to participate in all general meetings and functions organized by the organization
c)     Be entitled to vote and be voted for during the organizational election
d)    Upon the demise of any member the organization shall pay tribute to the parent [s] of the decease.
10 [1] It is the responsibility of every members of the Young League to perform the following duties:
a)     to protect the constitution of this organization by being subject to its provisions;
b)    to be education activists;
c)     actively participate in meetings and functions organized and / or recognized by the organization;
d)    and perform any other duties that may be assigned to him/her from time to time in accordance with the provisions of this constitution for the welfare and progress of African youths. Any member who fails to perform any of these duties or others as may be assigned to him/her without a cogent reason(s) shall be liable to his/her action.
 11[1] The organization shall solicit for financial aids from Government, International Organizations, individuals who made their money through legitimate means and other Corporate Bodies. This is to enable the organization cope up financially in their educational advocacy across African continent and beyond. And also to help those who cannot afford the cost of publication to publish their ideas. 
12[1] The organization shall bank her money
[2] The name of the organization account shall be Young African Writers League
[3] The authorized signatories of the association account shall be the president, the financial secretary and the treasurer.
[4] Condition for withdrawal of the organizational money shall be at least two persons out of the signatories.
 [5] An Audit committee shall exercise its function in respect of auditing the organization account as prescribed by the constitution.
[6] The signatories shall be responsible and answerable to any irregularity, misappropriation of the organization account.


13 [1] The general meeting of all members of the organization which shall be known as the General Assembly across all African countries shall be annually except in emergency situation or extra-ordinary session
[2] The time and venue of the meeting shall be determined by the members of the Executive.
14 [1] The organization shall call for an urgent meeting in emergency cases if there is need for it.
[2] The information on any meeting shall be announced using appropriate means of communication.
15 [1] The provision of section 13 subsection 1 is only applied to the General Assembly.  This means that each branch of the organization in every African countries can organization meeting whenever it is convenient for them but shall have meeting not less than five times yearly.

16 [1] Subject to the provisions of this constitution, there shall be an annual general election of the organization.
Time of the Election
[2] The general election shall be held annually which shall be at the General Assembly meeting.
[3] The life span of any office shall be one year tenure.
[4] There shall be non established electoral commission that shall be responsible for the conduct of the organization election. Those that shall be in charge of the election shall be appointed by the members of the organization based on the principle of equity and fairness.
  [5]  All members of the Young League are subjected or expected to abide by the following electoral regulations to the letter. Any contrary act or behavior will attract sanction. The electoral regulations are;
a)     There shall be no partisan politics or open campaign.
b)    There shall be selling and buying of nomination form, which shall be determined by the executives.
c)     Only the registered members shall be legible to vote and to be voted for
d)    Voting shall be by secret ballot
e)     Counting of votes shall commence immediately after each voting and the result shall be recorded
f)      The overall result of the election shall be announced by the presiding officer immediately after the voting exercises.
 [2] No person shall qualify for election or holding the organization’s office, if he or she:
     a ] involves in any human rights violation especially as it pertains child’s education.
b] is in disciplinary probation
c ] has been found guilty of dishonesty, abuse of office or other serious misconduct in any of the branches.
17[1] Inauguration into elective post shall take place after the election.
[2] The inauguration shall be organized by members headed by the outgoing president
[3] The outgoing executives shall hand over to the new ones on the day of inauguration.
[4] The outgoing officers shall properly give account of their tenure on/ before the handover.
[5] However, any misappropriation and embezzlement of fund shall be addressed before such inauguration /hand over shall be accepted/ granted.

18  [1] The organization shall periodically holds social functions like visiting primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions of learning in order to create education awareness on the need for them to be positively minded in their academic enterprise because it pays. The organization shall be donating books to school libraries on such visit. The organization shall encourage youths on the need for them to write and also teach them how to be a writer. The organization shall teach Africa youths to do away with any pirated work or act of plagiarism. The organization shall periodically organize seminars on good writing skills in which notable African writers will be invited to talk to the African young writers and the potential writers. These other numerous academic, community services and social functions.
19   [1] The organization shall attend book launch ceremony of members upon the invitation.
[2] The organization has to pass resolution on how to assist the persons financially in publication and marketing of their books
[2] The organization shall honour the best of three books written by members of the Young League yearly at her General Assembly meeting which shall be called “the Young League Books of the Year.”
20  [1] The organization shall produce magazine yearly which shall be launched on the General Assembly meeting. The prominent African writers and leaders, who are pro youths, youths’ admirers, education activists, etc. shall be invited.
[2] Featuring in such magazine shall be based on African affairs.
 [3] Production shall be sponsored by interested members, non members, governments, international bodies and other corporate bodies.

21  [1] An officer of this organization shall be removed from an office in accordance with the provision of this section.
[2] A person holding any office shall be removed from an office;
[3] Whenever an allegation of gross misconduct is leveled against the person.
[4] Any of such allegations of misconduct should be through investigated and scrutinized and the concerns persons convicted before the dismissal action is observed.
[5] The organization shall set-up an investigation committee to uproot such allegations
[6] The guilty officer shall be prosecuted by the committee and charged according to his/her damages.


The Coordinator:
22. The coordinator shall perform the following functions:
a)     Preside over all general and executive meeting including the emergency meetings
b)    Shall be responsible for the proper administration of the organization.
c)     Shall live life of emulation and admiration
d)    Shall be adequately monitory all the activities of different branch
e)     Shall consider African interest before his/her personal interest by rendering essential services.
f)      Shall be performing diplomatic functions like projecting and promoting the aims of the organization to the world, visiting of schools across African countries to encourage them to study hard and also to write. 
g)     Shall be one on the association signatories.
The Deputy Coordinator:
23. The vice president shall assist the coordinator and act as president in the absent of the latter.
The secretary
24. The secretary shall:
a)     Perform all the secretarial functions of the organization.
b)    Handle and keep all the correspondences of the organization.
c)     Perform other duties as may be given to him/her by the president.
d)    Shall register newly admitted members
e)     Shall be one of the organization signatories on financial and other documents.
Assistant secretary
    25.    Assistant secretary shall
a)     Assist the secretary and act as the secretary when he/she is absent.
b)    Be responsible for keeping up-to-date and accurate registers of the members of the association and attendances to meetings.
Financial secretary
26. The financial secretary shall:
a)     Ensure proper recording of all the organization financial transactions.
b)    Receive and record all money (i.e. income) of the organization.
c)     Shall submit all the money collected to the treasurer within three days or pay it into the association’s account within three days in absent of the treasurer.
d)    Shall render financial account to the organization from time to time as may be demanded by members.
e)     Shall serve as one of the organization signatories on financial documents
27. The treasurer shall:
a)     Receive from the financial secretary all money paid to the organization.
b)    Deposits the organization money in his/her bank account within three days from the date of receipt.
c)     Keep an impress account of #2000.00 only.
d)    Shall perform other duties as may be assigned to her by the president.
 PRO (Public Relation Officer)
28. The public relation officer shall
a)      Make approved announcements to the organization.
b)    Shall paste information to various strategic positions as regard to the date of meeting. Or through appropriate mass media as regard to the activities of the organization.
The Sergeant
 29.  The sergeant shall be the police arm of this organization and perform the following constitutional duties;
a)     Shall maintain order and disciple during meetings and other conventions of the organization.
b)    Shall appoint the next person to talk during the meetings.
c)     Shall be responsible for arranging, sharing and organizing of anything that involves the organization during the meeting and beyond.
Mode of conduct
30. Mode of conduct inside the meeting
[1] Misconducts inside the meeting shall attract sanction. Such misconducts inside the meeting include; side discursion, interruption during a speech presentation, uncontrolled argument, etc.
a)     The sergeant shall caution noise makers or obstructionists and disobedience attracts penalty.
b)    Absenteeism is unwelcome.
c)     However, any member that will absent him/herself from the meeting shall officially inform the organization through a letter of excuse.
d)    Unnecessary/uncontrolled argument during meeting is greatly undesirable and those concerned shall be sanctioned.
e)     Fighting during the meeting is highly prohibited. Any fight/attempt to fight shall be charged, accordingly for image damaged.
31. Mode of conduct outside meeting:
[1] Subjected to the provision of this constitution some gross misconducts/bad behaviors like:
Ø Stealing
Ø Cultism
Ø Excessive drinking
Ø Human rights abuses
Ø Child labour
Ø Discrimination based on gender, race or religion
Ø Plagiarizism  etc, is highly prohibited
[2] Any member of the organization empirically found guilty of any social vices shall be dismissed from the organization and punish accordingly subject to the constitution of the country the act was committed and this organization.

32 (1) In case of any circumstance which may arise in the organization in the future which may not be taken care of by the provisions of this constitution, a resolution must be reached by members in good standing order on how to ratify and adopt it, provided that such resolution does not contravene any provision of the noble organizational constitution.

33 [1] The motion for the amendment of this constitution shall be moved in the general meeting of the organization and approved by simply majority. But before any section is amended it must be supported by two third [2/3] majority of the members present.

v THE FOUNDER                                             THE COORDINATOR
SIGNED …                                                                  SIGNED …
EZE ANDREW OFORMA                                          ATTAH NNAEMAKA MELFORD


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