The Young League's Partnership Request to the Nigerian Copyright Commission




Young African Writers League is a registered academic organization that is made up of African youths who are writers and those who want to be writers in future. The organization promotes education and good writing skills across African countries. Its structure is designed to cover the entire fifty-four African states.

However, the organization is still based only in Nigeria due to some logistics reasons.  The organization has branches in some higher institutions of learning in Nigeria.

We the members of the Young League Enugu state chapter where this noble organization originated have deemed it necessary to start our humanitarian and sacrificial services at home because there is a saying in plain language that charity begins at home. Because of this, we considered it wise to start identifying with some relevant and indispensible government institutions that share our common aims and aspirations. One of the institutions we considered first to partner with is Nigerian Copyright Commission Enugu Zonal Office in order to compliment her pragmatic and fundamental roles.

It is our collective aspiration to partner with this commission in her fight against book piracy in Enugu State and Nigeria at large. This is because, one of our  Ten Pillars” as it contains in our constitution which states that  it shall be the duties and responsibilities of all members  to join hands with government agencies in their fight against book piracy in Africa and the world at large.”

Our logo even portrays this philosophy more.  It contains an open book with a hand of a writer. Below it, there are two swords that crossed each other upside-down which shows that we protect the intellectual property of a person or persons through a peaceful and legitimate means which is also one of the primary responsibilities of Nigerian Copyright Commission. Also, below the swords, is our motto which is “to Inform and to Educate.

What we actually need from this commission is a mandate and little training on the area of logical detection of pirated work. The manner in which Copyright Act is being violated on daily basis in higher institutions of learning in Nigeria by both lecturers and students baffles the members of the Young League. Hence, it will be our collective happiness and encouragement if Nigerian Copyright Commission considers our humble request to serve as her subsidiary agents in higher institutions of learning in Enugu state and Nigeria at large. It is also our collective convictions that as students, we are in a better condition to come across pirated books. We hope that our humble request will meet the Commission’s kind approval.

Eze Andrew Oforma

[the Founder]


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