Young African Writers League [the Young League] shall be an organization that is based on the tents of equity and social justice. We the members of Young African Writers League [the Young League], having firmly resolved to form an organization committed to the general interest of each member, for the  development of African in particular and the world at large.  And also to enhance co-operation, educational excellence, good writing skills, etc. among African youths, especially young African writers or those aiming to be. We also resolve to promote the welfare of the members and all African youths across African countries and beyond through promotion of qualitative education and equal educational opportunity to all via legitimate means.  We shall achieve these through advocacy, lobbying, educational awareness, socialization and value re-orientation. We shall uphold ideals of freedom, social justice, equity and fraternity.
Who are we?
Young African Writers League is a registered academic organization that is made up of African youths [both male and female] who are writers and those who want to be writers in future. The organization promotes education and good writing skills across African countries. Its structure is designed to cover the entire fifty-four African states. The young league is an organization that was formed by African youths who are educational inclined and committed in their search for better society for youths through writings and other educational campaigns across African continent and beyond.  The membership is strictly restricted to African Writers and those who are not yet writers but want to be. Exception to rule is that any foreign who is residing in any African countries for period of one year is qualified to join the League. The organization beliefs in philosophy of catch them young! 
The organization was formed in November and it was formally inaugurated on December 2014 at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The organization is unique in the sense that it is the first viable attempt by African youths mostly those at University of Nigeria, Nsukka where it originated, to take holistic and drastic campaign against all forms of educational and other social injustice against African youths.
The Young League as a noble academic organization was not formed for its own sake but for the sake of rendering academic services to humanity. The following are some of the basic aims and objectives of the organization and as they contain in the Young League’s constitution.
 Section 3 [1]   states that “it shall be the duties and responsibilities of all members of the Young League to conform to, project, promote and to observe the following fundamental aims and objectives of our noble organization which shall being known as “the Ten Pillars of the Young League.”  These are:
a)                 To promote education among African Youths
b)                To promote good writing skill among African Youths.
c)                 To provide forum for students to contribute towards the development of Africa and the world at large
d)                To ensure equal education opportunities  to all African youths irrespective of gender, religion or race
e)                 To create a platform where African youths can interact academically, socially, politically and otherwise
f)                  To divert the attention of youths from negative issues to positive issues through educational sensitization and socialization
g)                 To join hands with the government in promoting and creating awareness among youths on the important of education
h)                To join hands with government agencies in their fight against book piracy in Africa and the world at large. For example, in Nigeria the organization shall pattern with Nigerian Copyright Commission in her fight against book piracy in higher institutions of learning and beyond
i)                   To eradicate school dropout and child labour in Africa
j)                   To train future world writers and leaders.
The Young League is hierarchically structured starting from Continental Coordinator   who is in charge of entire African countries to the Community Coordinators. The structures are designed to be decentralized to the local and hinterland zones. This is to ensure that every communities and schools will have community coordinators and school coordinators respectively.
The following are the administrative structures [offices] and their constitutional responsibilities as they contain in the Young League constitution chapter six sections 22 to 29;
The Coordinators:
Section 22. The coordinator whether continental, national, or community, shall perform the following functions:
a)                 Preside over all general and executive meeting including the emergency meetings within their administrative jurisdiction
b)                Shall be responsible for the proper administration of the organization.
c)                 Shall live life of emulation and admiration
d)                Shall be adequately monitory all the activities of different branch
e)                 Shall consider African interest before his/her personal interest by rendering essential services.
f)                  Shall be performing diplomatic functions like projecting and promoting the aims of the organization to the world, visiting of schools across African countries to encourage them to study hard and also to write. 
g)                 Shall be one on the association signatories.
The Deputy Coordinators:
Section 23. The deputy coordinators shall assist the coordinators and act as the coordinators in the absent of the latter.
The secretary
Section 24. The secretary shall:
a)                 Perform all the secretarial functions of the organization.
b)                Handle and keep all the correspondences of the organization.
c)                 Perform other duties as may be given to him/her by the president.
d)                Shall register newly admitted members
e)                 Shall be one of the organization signatories on financial and other documents.
Assistant secretary
    Section 25.    Assistant secretary shall
a)                 Assist the secretary and act as the secretary when he/she is absent.
b)                Be responsible for keeping up-to-date and accurate registers of the members of the association and attendances to meetings.
Financial secretary
Section 26. The financial secretary shall:
a)                 Ensure proper recording of all the organization financial transactions.
b)                Receive and record all money (i.e. income) of the organization.
c)                 Shall submit all the money collected to the treasurer within three days or pay it into the association’s account within three days in absent of the treasurer.
d)                Shall render financial account to the organization from time to time as may be demanded by members.
e)                 Shall serve as one of the organization signatories on financial documents
Section 27. The treasurer shall:
a)                 Receive from the financial secretary all money paid to the organization.
b)                Deposits the organization money in his/her bank account within three days from the date of receipt.
c)                 Keep an impress account of #2000.00 only.
d)                Shall perform other duties as may be assigned to her by the president.
 PRO (Public Relation Officer)
Section 28. The public relation officer shall
a)                  Make approved announcements to the organization.
b)                Shall paste information to various strategic positions as regard to the date of meeting. Or through appropriate mass media as regard to the activities of the organization.
The Sergeant
Section  29.  The sergeant shall be the police arm of this organization and perform the following constitutional duties;
a)                 Shall maintain order and disciple during meetings and other conventions of the organization.
b)                Shall appoint the next person to talk during the meetings.
c)                 Shall be responsible for arranging, sharing and organizing of anything that involves the organization during the meeting and beyond.
   Functions or duties of the organization as they are enshrined in the organizational constitution are as follow;
Section 10 [1] It is the responsibility of every members of the Young League to perform the following duties:
a)                 to protect the constitution of this organization by being subject to its provisions;
b)                to be education activists;
c)                 actively participate in meetings and functions organized and / or recognized by the organization;
d)                and perform any other duties that may be assigned to him/her from time to time in accordance with the provisions of this constitution for the welfare and progress of African youths. Any member who fails to perform any of these duties or others as may be assigned to him/her without a cogent reason(s) shall be liable to his/her action.
 Section 9 of the Young League constitution provides the followings as the rights and benefits of every members of the organization.
Section 9 [1]. Subject to the provisions of this constitution, every member shall:
a)                 Be entitled to the use and enjoyment of every facility of the Young League, without discrimination
b)                Be entitle to participate in all general meetings and functions organized by the organization
c)                 Be entitled to vote and be voted for during the organizational election
d)                Upon the demise of any member the organization shall pay tribute to the parent [s] of the decease.
  It contains an open book with a hand of a writer. Below it, there are two swords that crossed each other upside-down which shows that we protect the intellectual property of a person or persons through a peaceful and legitimate means.  Below the swords, is our motto which is “to Inform and to Educate.
                                           FUTURE PLANS
Our future plans are;
1.                  How to establish branches in all institutions of leaning and communities in all African countries and Coordinators.
2.                 How to be an affiliate of the African Union [i.e. agency that is in charge of education and youth development]
3.                 Possibly, how to register it with UNESCO and make it an international organization.
For more information on how to join the League or any other inquiry please email us at:  and constantly visit our site:

Signed …
Eze Andrew Oforma [the founder and National Coordinator of the Young African Writers League].


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