
Showing posts from August, 2018


POLITICAL PARTIES, ELECTORAL SYSTEM AND PROCESSE   POLITICAL PARTIES The People's Republic of China (PRC) is basically a one-party state, having the Communist Party of China (CPC) as the only party in control of the central government. The political party system China has adopted is multi-party co-operation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, of which the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is an important institution to conduct political consultations and democratic supervision, and organize its member parties, organizations and personages from various ethnic groups and walks of life to discuss and manage state affairs. This system is different from both the two-party or multi-party competition systems of Western countries and the one-party system practiced in some other countries. Under China's multi-party co-operation system, there are the CPC and eight other political parties. The eight democrati...

Structures of Government and Political in China

The People's Republic of China operates a unitary semi-presidential communist republican system of government, with a one-party system. Administrative Divisions According to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the country’s administrative units are currently based on a three-tier system divided into province, county and township. These levels are further into autonomous regions, municipalities, prefectures, administrative regions, towns and villages. Political Divisions The central government of the People's Republic of China is divided among several state organs: • the legislative branch, the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee; • the presidency, including the President and the Vice-President; • the executive branch, the State Council (constitutionally synonymous with the "Central People's Government"), whose Premier is the head of government; • the milit...


THE NIGERIAN COUNCIL     Following the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Protectorates in 1914, Lord Lugard who became the governor-general established the Nigerian Council as a legislative and advisory body. The council was made up of 36 members. The function of the council was to advise the governor on important public issues. The council has no power to implement or force its resolutions without the approval of the governor general. THE CLIFFORD CONSTITUTION OF 1922 /p>       The Clifford constitution of 1922 abolished the Nigerian Council and established a new legislative council in Nigeria. The constitution introduced “elective principle” in Nigeria in 1922. The introduction of elective principle offered Nigerians opportunity to participate in electing their representatives at the council. As a result of the introduction, four (4) Nigerians were elected into the new legislative council. Out of four (4) elected, three ...

Criminal Law

      This is a law that deals with crime and criminalities. Criminal law contains “lists of specific forms of human conduct which has been outlawed by political authority which applies uniformity to all persons living under the political authority and which is enforced by punishment administered by the state” (Sutherland and Cressey as quoted in Igbo,E.U.M 2007:16). According to Shively (2005), in such cases, the state [through her prosecutor] is the party that brings the case, and the person charged is the “defendant.”      Besides, crime means any act or action of an individual that violates the provisions of criminal law. From the above definition of crime, one can only call a person a criminal, if he/she has violated criminal law and has been found guilty by a court of law. 

Crimes and Criminality

     Crime is any criminal offence committed by a person or group either directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly that is punishable under criminal law. Igbo, E.U.M. (2007:10), also defines crime as “any act or conduct of an individual or group which violates the criminal law.” He went further to say that “if the act or conduct does not violate the criminal law of society, then that act or conduct does not constitute a crime”. Similarly, Eneh-Onyeji (2011:39), rightly opined that “a crime (or an offence), is an act or omission punishable by the state”.      Moreover, one should note that before any act or conduct of individuals can be defined as a crime the following two conditions must be fulfilled or stand obvious: 1. The conduct or act must be prohibited by the Criminal law  2. The “mens rea “ (guilty mind or mental element) must correspond with “actu...

Coup d’état in Nigeria: A critical Evaluation

     According to Shively (2005: 187), “the most dramatic alternative to democratic government is military government, in which a group of officers use their troops to take over the governmental apparatus and run it themselves.” Andrew Heywood in his major work, Politics asked thus: when does the military seize power? This occurs when successful coup d’ état happens, he answered.       Military coup has been defined by many scholars and analysts in different ways although, the meaning remains the same. Heywood (2007; 411) views it as “a sudden and forcible seizure of government power through illegal and unconstitutional action.” It can be defined as an illegal or unconstitutional means of overthrowing existing government by a section of the armed forces. Ugwuanyi (2008:37) views military coup as “illegal, forceful and often violent change of government by the military.”   ...

European Union

European Union


THE CLIFFORD CONSTITUTION OF 1922       The Clifford constitution of 1922 abolished the Nigerian Council and established a new legislative council in Nigeria. The constitution introduced “elective principle” in Nigeria in 1922. The introduction of elective principle offered Nigerians opportunity to participate in electing their representatives at the council. As a result of the introduction, four (4) Nigerians were elected into the new legislative council. Out of four (4) elected, three (3) represented Lagos and one represented Calabar. The council as a whole was composed of 46 members.      Moreover, as a result of the introduction of elective principle, the first political party was formed in Nigeria. The party was Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP), which was formed in 1923 by Sir Herbert Macaulay. Highlights of Clifford Constitution of 1922 1. The constitution established new legislative co...

Eze Andrew, Andrew Oforma Eze, Eze Andrew Oforma: photos, images, pictures

Eze Andrew Oforma, Andrew Oforma Eze.

School of Oformatism

School of Oformatism

Why poverty

Sam Loco and his son discussing on why they are poor.

School of Oformatism

School of Oformatism

Who is at fault

Money... On my mind

What is constituent Assembly

CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY        This is a body that is made up of intellectuals, constitutional lawyers or jurists etc., composed for the purpose of ratifying a draft constitution by the constitutional draft committee. Constitutional draft committee on the other hand is a body that drafts new constitution for a country. The primary functions of the Constituent Assembly are: to examine and ratify the primary function of the constitutional draft committee which is to draft new constitution for a state.

Concept of Constitutionalism: The meaning and Rationale

CONSTITUTIONALISM      We should note that one thing is for a country to have a constitution and another thing is to have constitutionalism. The principle of constitutionalism states that everybody , both the ruler (government) and the ruled (subjects) should abide by the provisions of the constitution. It means that nobody is above the law. The principle of constitutionalism is anchored on the rule of law that everybody is equal and subject before the law.      Shively (2005) did an elaborate research on the tenets constitutionalism. He started in his logical analysis by posing the following questions: given that each state has a constitution, how faithful is a state to its constitution? That is, how fully do the leaders honour the rules of politics in the state? He defined constitutionalism as “the doctrine that states that, states should be faithful to their constitutions because the rules so provided are all that can protec...

Constitution and Constitutionalism: Meaning and Basic Issues

CONSTITUTION BY A . O . EZE      Every state, in fact every political organization, club, or other group has a constitution, or set of rules by which power is distributed among the members (Shively, 2005). Constitution is the fundamental law in a state that sets principles on how a state should be governed. According to Roskin et al (1988: 46) political scientists, view it as “that set of rules and customs, either written or unwritten, legally established or extralegal, by which a government conducts its affairs.” In the same vein Heywood (2007:316) contends logically that a constitution is a “set of rules, written and unwritten, that seeks to establish the duties, powers and functions of the various institutions of government, regulate the relationships between them, and define the relationship between the state and the individual.”      Constitution is the mother of other laws. It is the fundamental law of the state....

Conservatism: The Meaning and its Ideological Foundation

CONSERVATISM      Conservatism is a form of political ideology that believes in the existence of social, political, and economic order, stability and the lack of change of political systems be it in cultural, customary and traditional practices of society or otherwise. In other words, conservatism advocates for status quo and if change must occur at all it should be by incremental or evolutionary.      The conservatives believe that change is good but it must be gradual so that it does not affect the tradition, custom and the social orderliness or practices of society. They advocate for small governments that will not intervene in the affairs of individual and their cultural practices. In other words, it seeks for the preservation, rigidity and continuity of the existing practice. The principle or tenet of conservatism opposes any form of change in existing system in society. Those who oppose change are called reactionaries, ...

Confederalism: The Meaning

CONFEDERALISM       Confederal system of government is a system of government based on structural arrangement whereby component or federating units are stronger than the central government . Under this system, central government is weak compared to the power of the component regions. Each component unit has legal right to govern and develop its entity at its own pace.      Contemporarily, confederalism has been loosely used to refer to a union of states in which each member state retains their sovereign power: like the United Nations, African Union, European Union, Organization of American States, Arab League, etc.     The following are some of the characteristics of confederalism: weak centre, autonomous union, flexible constitution, right of secession and so forth.    

Communism: The meaning and Idea

COMMUNISM      According to Karl Marx, communism is the highest stage of socialism in which all forms of injustice, exploitation, man’s inhumanity to man and other deprivations will cease to exist. He went further to posit that even the state and its monopoly will wither away or cease to exist because it is a mere instrument of the ruling class to exploit the poor; the state is not an impartial being as claimed by the liberal scholars. Therefore, communism is the extreme form or last stage of socialism. It is a subset of socialism.      Karl Marx was the founder of the extremist and radical revolutionary movement known as the Communist League in the 1840s. He conceptualized the notion of communism in his famous book entitled the Communist Manifesto which was co-authored by Frederick Engels and published in 1848. He criticized the asocial nature of capitalist society and called for revolution which will overthrow capitalist mode of product...

Concept of Communalism

COMMUNALISM     This was a classless society where production, distribution and exchange of goods and services were collectively owned by the people. Communalism anchored on the principle of original concept of humanism which was based on philosophy of “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs”.      Besides, it should be noted that communalism was the second stage of the evolution of human society according to Karl Marx in the analysis of his “historical dialectical materialism”. The followings are the processes in which human society evolves: from primitive Communalism– Communalism- Feudalism – Capitalism- Socialism- Communism.

Colonialism: Fact Behind it

COLONIALISM      Colonialism can be defined as political, economic and social subjugation, domination and annexation of territory of one country by another country. In other words, colonialism is the extreme form of imperialism which has gone beyond mere economic trade to direct annexation of colonies. According to Okereke and Ekpe (2002:102), “colonialism is the situation where one country exercises political domination over another by assuming control of the machinery of government and directing the affairs of society.’’       The industrialization process in many European countries can be tagged as what caused colonization. It was due to the industrial revolution that happened in Europe that made European countries like Britain, Belgium, France, etc., to be involved in the following activities which led to colonization. 1.To search for excess raw materials for their industries. 2.To provide markets for the sale of ...


COMMODIFICATION OF LABOUR      Commodification of labour is the transformation of human labour or power into commodity which can be sold and bought. It is one of the characteristics of capitalism.  In a capitalist society, there are two broad classes: class who owns the means of production (bourgeoisie or the haves) and class who does not own the means of production (proletariat or the have-nots).      Hence, for those who do not own the means of production to survive they have to sell their labour power to those who have the means of production. In other words, they have to be employed and work for those who own the means of production as workers so that the owner of industry can exploit their labour power and pay them salaries or wages for their services depending on the monetary value of their labour. Therefore, they have sold or commodified their labour power in exchange for salaries or wages.      As Claude Ake (...

Concept of Collective Responsibility

COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY      This term is used in Westminster (Parliamentary system of government) to refer to the accountability of all cabinet members if vote of no confidence is passed on them in parliament. In other words, it means that any decision or action or inaction taken by one cabinet member of Parliament will affect all members collectively. They are collectively responsible for any lawful or unlawful behaviour. In case of vote of no confidence, the entire cabinet members will resign and another election will be conducted.     The opposite of collective responsibility is “individual responsibility” which is used in presidential system of government.

Cold War: how it started and ended

COLD WAR Cold war was an ideological conflict between mainly the United States commonly known as western bloc and the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) or eastern bloc immediately after the Second World War in 1945. It was an ideological tension, because what caused the war was based on two ideologies that dominated the world political, economic and social spheres then. According to Heywood (2007:133) “the term Cold war was coined by Walter Lippman in 1944.” He described it as “a state of protracted and extreme tension between countries or rival alliances that stops short of all-out war. The term is most commonly associated with a period of political, economic, cultural and military rivalry between the ‘capitalist’ western bloc and the ‘communist’ eastern bloc, and thus between the US and Soviet superpowers.” The two ideologies are: Capitalism ––– the United States Communism ––– the Soviet Union Analysis of Cold war: How did Cold War Start?   Cold...