THE NIGERIAN COUNCIL Following the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Protectorates in 1914, Lord Lugard who became the governor-general established the Nigerian Council as a legislative and advisory body. The council was made up of 36 members. The function of the council was to advise the governor on important public issues. The council has no power to implement or force its resolutions without the approval of the governor general. THE CLIFFORD CONSTITUTION OF 1922 /p> The Clifford constitution of 1922 abolished the Nigerian Council and established a new legislative council in Nigeria. The constitution introduced “elective principle” in Nigeria in 1922. The introduction of elective principle offered Nigerians opportunity to participate in electing their representatives at the council. As a result of the introduction, four (4) Nigerians were elected into the new legislative council. Out of four (4) elected, three ...
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