Legislative Process or Law Making: Bill by A. O. Eze
BILL: A bill is a proposed law which is under or waiting for consideration by the legislature or parliament before it can become a law. A bill cannot become a law unless it is passed by the legislature or parliament and assented by the president. Types of Bill According to Ugwuanyi (2008:6) there are three types of bill namely public bill, private members bill and money bill. 1. Public Bill: Like its name implies, it is a bill that will affect everybody (that is the whole public) if passed into law. It contains an issue of public interest. Examples of public bill are that of security, currency, diplomacy etc. 2. Private Members Bill: This type of bill is usually introduced by the members of the parliament which may be for the interest of the parliamentarians or that of his or her constituency. 3. Money Bill: This is a crucial type of bill that deals on how government generates, appropriates and spends money in the country. It sho...