What is Advocacy? By A.O. Eze


      According to Onuoha (2009:79) advocacy is “sensitization, speaking up or drawing decision makers’ attention to an important issue, cause or policy.” Advocacy can also be defined as actions by an individual or a group to influence the decisions of public-policy makers over a particular social, political and economic problem in society.

      Hence, advocacy is a vital tool through which individuals, groups and organizations can achieve their aims and that of society in general. It is important to note that through the action of an advocate, the status quo can be changed or a hidden act can be exposed. An advocate is a person who gets involved in or carries out advocacy activities.

Instruments of Advocate

     An advocate can use the following methods to achieve his or her aims. These include mass media, protest, litigation, mass mobilization, social networking with other pressure groups etc.


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