Post-Behavioural Revolution by A. O. Eze

Post-Behavioural Period

    This is relatively the same as behavioural school only that post-behaviouralist brought state into political system or arena. In other words, the attentions of political scientists shifted from institutionalism or structuralism of political system to other political phenomena like revolution, democracy, political party, dictatorship, communism, state etc.

Roskin et al [1988: 18] rightly opined that behaviouralism came under heavy attack ''… by many young political scientists, some of them influenced by the radicalism of anti-Vietnam war movement, complained that the behavioural approach was static, conservative, loaded with its practitioners’ values, and irrelevant to the urgent tasks at hand.”

The quest for more pragmatic approach to the study of political science is what led to the emergency of post-behavioural school of thought.

    Also note that Post-behavioural revolution which started in 1967 and ended in 1988 led to the paradigm shift – the Second Scientific Revolution.
Second Scientific Revolution, 1989-Present.

    This is an attempt to unify science of politics with other sciences. The emphasis is now based on the unit of science, systematic methods of political enquiry, quantitative data analysis and theories like rational choice theory, game theory etc. The second scientific revolution is also based on the study or analysis of failed state, civil disobedience, civil conflict, political socialization, democracy, social movement, citizenship, policy formation and implementation, rule of law, capitalism etc.


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