In the capitalist society those who own and control the means of production are called the bourgeoisie. They are the most powerful, strongest and richest class in society. They are the members of the ruling and guardian classes. They also determine who gets what, when and how in a capitalist society.

    The bourgeois class originated during the French Revolution when merchants overthrew the aristocratic feudal lords and also during the Age of Enlightenment in Europe and North America. The Age of Enlightenment was based on the principles of liberty, equity, and fraternity. It was one of the contributors that led to the French Revolution in 1789 which refuted and overthrew the existing social system (feudalism). (See Proletariat, Petty- bourgeois, Feudalism and Enlightenment) .

Types of Bourgeoisie

1.The National Bourgeoisie: These are those who got their wealth through the legitimate means. In other words, they became rich through hardworking and determination which are mostly nationally based. This type of upper class uses their resources for national development.

2.The Comprador Bourgeoisie: This is the direct opposite to the national bourgeoisie. The members of this class are the mostly those who made their wealth through exploitation of the fellow country men and women for the advancement of the foreign land. They are the type of bourgeoisie P.C Umeh described as “Ambassadors of Poverty” in his poem entitled Ambassadors of Poverty. According to Umeh they are “the corrupt master of the economy with their heads abroad and anus at home, the patriots in reverse order determined merchants of loots who boost the economy of the colonial order to impoverish brothers and sisters at home.” This is because instead of promoting economic and social development in their country they turn to be anti-development via their exploitative activities. They promote the economy of other countries via the importation of all kind of foreign products which can be manufactured locally therefore killing the local industries and entrepreneurs. They get their wealth mostly through unpatriotic means. They constitute the majority of the bourgeoisie in Nigeria and other African countries.

   More so, within the rank of the national and comprador bourgeoisie, there is petty-bourgeoisie. Petty-bourgeoisie is rich but not as the national and comprador bourgeoisie. Petty-bourgeoisie is emerging entrepreneurs.


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