Meaning of Bureaucracy by Andrew Oforma Eze .

      Bureaucracy literally means “rule by officials” (Heywood, 2007). Bureaucracy is an administrative mechanism that is based on adherence to existing rules and regulations that govern an organization. This type of administration is usually obtained in the large public and private organizations which are based on hierarchical structures and strict observance of organization protocols. According to Roskin et al (1988: 308) “the term refers to any large-scale organization of appointed officials whose primary function is to implement the policies of the decision makers.” They further argue that bureaucracy, in ideal form, is a rational system or organized structure designed to permit the efficient and effective execution of public policy.
     It was a German sociologist, Max Weber who popularized the concept of bureaucracy in his work entitled ‘‘Ideal-type of Bureaucracy’’ in early 1920s. To him, bureaucratic organization is the best form of organization. Roskin et al further enunciated the following as basic roles of bureaucracy which are: administering, regulating, licensing, information gathering and “house-keeping chores.”
Characteristics of Bureaucracy.
    The bureaucratic organizations are known for the following characteristics: impersonality, hierarchy, division of labour and specialization, rigidity, rationality, competence, formality and due process.


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