A Wise Leader should Love the Nobles and like the Masses by Andrew Oforma Eze

A Wise Leader should Love the Nobles and like the Masses

A leader like Vladimir Lenin of the defunct Soviet Union did not believe solely in the power of the masses despite the fact that he was a communist and a revolutionary. Throughout his life time he maintained this popular phrase: “fewer the better”.
More also, a leader like Benito Mussolini, former Italian ruler, believes “that the majority is not necessarily more reasonable than the minority”. The minority he meant here is the nobles.
He was an ardent believer of the Trite proverb that says “he who builds on the people builds on mud”. He noted that there are no way the downtrodden, economically disenfranchised masses, and headless crowd will make a stable society.
These shared views of these two rulers are not out of sense. This law is a deep blue sea to leaders because, nobody can either rule out the power of the masses or that of the nobles. The demanding question is: which group should a leader ally himself with? The answer is the two groups.
He should love the nobles and like the masses; otherwise, his reign may be numbered. A leader in his quest to love the nobles should be careful not to do injustice to the masses, because as Machiavelli noted it is impossible to satisfy the nobles honouably, without doing violence to the interest of others. The nobles should be loved but he should not forget that modern power (electoral power) belongs to the people.
This law is one of the most challenging decisions leaders face in their everyday task of leadership. It is a very delicate issue. He who wants to be successful should obey this rule.


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