A Wise Leader should have Hybrid Characters by Ofor-Ofor

Hybrid Characters

It is very difficult for a man to govern a man. Therefore, whoever wants to lead should go the extra miles to obtain some qualities that will distinguish him from others. It is only these uncommon qualities that will make people to follow him and also be obeying his orders.
In other words, a good leader should be Jekyll and Hyde. He has to have qualities of dove and hawk, because the people he leads have two realms of consciousness - good and evil, which they are ready to use when it becomes necessary. In a nutshell, the people he rules are the conglomerate of doves, hawks, lions, and foxes (mixed-bag). Even some have beast and monster-like character. Machiavelli, (trans. 1999: 56-57) has summarized this when he said thus:

so, as a prince is forced to know how to act like a beast, he must learn from the fox and the lion; because the lion is defenceless against traps and a fox is defenceless against wolves. Therefore one must be a fox in order to recognize traps, a lion to frighten off wolves. Those who simply act like lions are stupid.

A leader who wants to be successful should obey this rule. This will make him to adapt and deal with all circumstances as they unfold. Circumstances might favour one style of action, sometimes another.


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