A Wise Leader Should be Consistent and persistent in his Actions by Ofor-Ofor

Consistency and Persistence in Action

This law is to avoid a government of uncertainty. A good leader should not spit out and lick his spittle; and a man of worth should never get up to unsay what he has said unless it is for the interest of the majority. He should be certain about what he believes and consistent in what he says and does.
There is no doubt that true success comes through consistency and persistence in whatever one is doing. The two destroy resistance or obstacles.
Every policy of government affects people; some positively, others negatively which will definitely attract mixed reactions. A leader faces everyday pressure, especially from those his policies do not favour.  If he is not determined, he will be pushed left and right by these people.
He must remain persistent in his initial decision insofar as it is for the interest of the majority. It should also be noted that the interest of the nobles should not be played with to some extent. If his policy should affect the interest of the nobles, it should be in incremental manner, which is gradual.
A good leader should never say what he cannot do, or undo what he has done; otherwise, he will lose honour among his followers. And the greatness of a leader depends on his triumph over obstacles and oppositions. He who wants to be successful should obey this rule.


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