What is Statement of the Problem in Project Work?

Statement of the Problem

To research is to search and search again. What are we searching for? Problems and solutions…  Project research or research in general is neither carried out for its own sake nor for the fun of it but to tackle a problem.

Therefore, statement of the problem of the study is like the centre of entire project research. It contains the fundamental issue on why the research is being carried out. It is from it that you draft your research questions.

According to Ezeh (2011:23), statement of the problem of a study “is both the foundation on which the study is built and the steering that drives the entire process of research”. He further maintains that “statement of the problem simply means stating the problems that have been articulated by the research prior to the commencement of the study to which the expected results of the study would provide solutions”.

The aim of every researcher is to find solutions of the problem that propelled him into researching.


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