What is Performance?

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     It is the distance between one’s origin and where he is currently. There is no other reliable parameter for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of government other than the masses that are at the receiving end as the above principle has noted. The end matters a lot in performance measurement of any government. If the end is good by ensuring the greatest happiness to the greatest number, the performance is commendable and laudable.

      A common sense morality demands of a leader to keep his promises to the people and make effective use of available resources. The policies and programmes of government should centre on the people which government exists to serve. When the majority of people are happy the government in place has performed well.

    It is important to note that no leader can satisfy everybody honourably, even the Almighty God couldn’t satisfy Lucifer and his sympathizers which led to Great War in heaven despite the fact that God is the fountain of service, goodness and generosity.                        


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