How Political Gladiators Operate by Ofor-Ofor
How They Operate
Gladiators operate by first and foremost seeking for alliance. They always need the help of others, especially the notables, whom they believe are dissatisfied or not in good terms with the current government.
As soon as they find their fellows and they reveal their secrets to them, the former will feel relieved because they have seen the means of satisfaction. They will now table all they know about the government and chart a way forward on how to discredit it.
After this stage they will start living a life of pretense by claiming to represent the interest of the masses or be their mouthpiece. Their aim is to disarticulate the political system and create crisis of legitimacy to the existing government.
This leads to the emergence of political gladiators. They are the political dissents and self acclaimed notables that think that their relevance is diminishing and interest is not willingly represented in the present government as they expect. They will surely fight back in different ways like, by engaging in cut-throat struggle and titanic electoral battle, defecting to another political party, allying with the masses and building of fortresses.
For instance, under this frustrating situation these disenfranchised politicians find themselves, some may pretend to be sympathetic to the masses. In a situation where the masses are depressed too, some gladiator, will capitalize on that either by leading a handful of protesters or paying them to protest against government actions or inactions in their bid to remain relevant and discredit the government in power.
They become voice of the voiceless over night, while some will find new lease in another political party. They will defect to another party when they realize that truly there is no room for them in their current party in the state.
They thrive by misinforming the masses, making good to appear evil and vice versa. They will find fault with the noblest actions of government. These dissents must entertain the public by their actions or inactions. They will become wail-wailer. The masses may not know the reason for such sudden change; it is only the handful who may ask: Where were the gladiators before?
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