Project Writing Guideline: Title Pages by Ofor-Ofor

Title Page

This is the first page in a research proposal or report. After a researcher has identified problem that calls for research it has to be titled or named something which will serve as focal point. As stated in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010), a title should summarize the main idea of the manuscript, author’s name (byline) and institutional affiliation identifies the location where the author conducted the research.
Title page contains the following:

• The full title of the work
• The authors name
• The department
• Faculty and institution
• Months and year of publication

Title page should be concise as much as possible. It should not be more than twelve (12) words in length according to the sixth edition of the APA publication manual. Note that title page and cover page contain the same thing.


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