The need for Social Vigilant in a State by Ofor-Ofor

Social Vigilance

Man is a social being who needs social security which leads to the realization of his humanity. The social needs of a man should never elude him. The importance of social security to man cannot be overstated. It is what makes a man a social being. A wise leader should secure his people socially to avoid other socio-political unrest. Armed security exists due to the absence of social security. Armed security which is the perversion of a social security system came into being when the social security systems collapsed under the slave owning society (early feudal system). This was when slave lords failed to provide for and protect the welfare of slaves. For that reason, slaves turned against their masters which made them (the masters) to be prone to attacks by angry slaves. The slave masters therefore, had to arm themselves against socially vulnerable slaves who may devour them.


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