Should a Leader Fear Political Gladiators?

Should a Leader Fear Political Gladiators?

A wise leader has little to fear from gladiators insofar as he enjoys the goodwill of the masses and few notables. Some of them are for political entertainment not for realpolitik. They are only brave and courageous among their associates, and cowards before the enemy. Since they have been defeated for the first time, to overcome them again, if they regroup, is easy if the leader has an insight to know their weaknesses and maximize on it.

In a situation where a leader is not able to know how to destroy the source of their strength, the outcome of any second battle for state power may be dangerous or injurious to the leader. A wise leader should be able to know how to cut the chains of his adversaries.

Their power should be drastically neutralize;, otherwise, they may constituent a major threat to societal peace. He should never show them any act of kindness because any act of kindness shown to them will be used against the leader.


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