What is Abstract in Thesis Working?
What is Abstract in Thesis Working?
An abstract is a brief summary of the contents of a work. A well prepared abstract can be the most important single paragraph (APA, 2010). As noted in the sixth edition of APA Manual, a good abstract should be:
No evaluative
Coherent and readable
Should describe the problem under investigation
Study method
Basic findings
The conclusion
Furthermore, an abstract looks like introduction but its structure differs from the latter. According Ezeh (2011:16), an abstract is a brief summary of a research report and it often used to help the reader to quickly ascertain the purpose of the study. He contends further that it focuses on the following:
The statement of the problem
Research questions and hypotheses addressed
The research method
The finding or results of the research
The main conclusions and recommendations
In addition it also contains a theoretical framework used in the study.
Note: due to its structure and contents you write abstract when you have concluded the research. It is a summary of what you have done. Click here to learn how to write "statement of problem".
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