Reference List

Reference List:

This section is not a matter of choice but a matter of necessity in order to avoid academic theft (plagiarism) and also to ensure a scholarly work. Plagiarism as we have noted is a serious academic theft. Its rule is very simple “take and give credit” to whom it is due to.

Hence, some title this section bibliography while some go by name reference in their research work. The two has been often used interchangeably but they differ. A reference list contains only sources you have cited in-text (in-text citations) in your work. This means each reference cited in-text must appear in the reference list, and each reference list must be cited in-text.

On the other hand, a bibliography is a list of all the sources you have consulted. This means in addition to listing the sources you cited in-text (in-text citations), you also list sources that you read or referred to in order to generate ideas on the research. A bibliography is more encompassing than reference.



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