What is Research Methodology?


This constitutes the third chapter in every thesis work. Some departments more often than not caption this chapter “research methods”. Methodology and method differs notably.

Methodology is a body of methods, and rules employed by a discipline while method is simply a particular procedure or technique used in a discipline. Therefore, method is just a subset of methodology. It is a particular techniques employed in a research.

As rightly noted, in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010), the method section describes in details how the study was conducted. Different types of studies will rely on different methodologies. Therefore, appropriate title should be “methodology” which encompasses rules and procedures.

Hence, methodology encompasses systemic procedures, techniques, or mode of scientific inquiry employed for proper analysis of a phenomenon.
Under this chapter we have theoretical framework, research design, method of data collection, method of data analysis, and logical data framework.


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